Recently, the World Food Travel Association (WFTA) announced that four new industry leaders have joined its Board of Directors, bringing the total number of directors now to a lucky thirteen. The new directors are:
Ioana Hardy , Managing Director, Impacters Group , a London UK-based marketing firm focused on socially conscious, sustainable and responsible businesses.
Yorm Ackuaku , Host of Item 13, a podcast dedicated to the celebration of African food. A Ghanian native, Yorm lives in Washington DC.
Maureen Littlejohn , an award-winning travel journalist and Executive Editor of Culture Magazin , a publication that promotes exchange between the Canadian and Vietnamese cultures. Maureen is based in Toronto, Canada.
Glenn Jampol , President of the Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Farm & Inn based in Costa Rica. Glenn is also the Chair of the Global Ecotourism Network.
Erik Wolf, Executive Director of the World Food Travel Association, welcomed the additions, stating “Each of our new directors brings a specific skill that strengthens our Association. These four professionals will help us to take the Association to the next level. We are grateful for their support, and look forward to working with them to leverage their own strengths in our strategy, marketing and product development initiatives.”
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