What did you know about food and drink in the Navarra province before coming to the FoodTreX event? Had you visited the province previously?
This was my first time in northern Spain. Although I had heard about the wonderful artichokes grown in the region, I was unaware of the many other destination-of-origin-certified food and wine products.
How did the Navarra province strike you in general as a potential culinary destination? Could you recommend it to lovers of food and drink? Why or why not?
It’s always nice to recommend a place with a unique culinary profile, especially one that isn’t already over-touristed! Food and lodging were reasonably priced and the charming old town in Pamplona beckons more exploration than the time allowed by the conference. Being able to spend time with locals offered a unique window into the lifestyle and culture of the area.
Who did you meet at the event that you found particularly interesting, and why?
One of the most interesting persons I met was Ana Lizarraga Dallo, who works with the governmental office responsible for the promotion of tourism in Navarre. Ana very generously shared her knowledge of the history, foods and culture of the Kingdom.
What do you hope FoodTreX Navarra would offer potential delegates next year?
More time to explore the region! It’s a perfect place for slow travel.
Editor’s Note: While travel is not be possible right now, as soon as the current crisis passes, consider visiting the province of Navarra in Northern Spain – a true food and wine destination!
Irene S. Levine is an award-winning travel journalist and blogger who writes about destinations, hotels and resorts, cruises and culinary travel, all focused on the over-50 luxury traveler. A regular contributor to Forbes.com, she also produces and edits two online travel magazines, MoreTimeToTravel.com and GettingOnTravel.com (the latter showcasing the work of more than 50 international travel writers). Irene is a member of the prestigious Society of American Travel Writers (SATW).
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