The World Food Travel Association is pleased to announce that its FoodTreX Thessaloniki | Regional Food Travel Summit, will be held on October 7, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency in Thessaloniki, Greece. FoodTreX Thessaloniki is an entire Summit dedicated to the discussion of the development of Food Tourism in Greece.
The Summit's main organizers are Maria Athanasopoulou from Respond On Demand and Chrissa Krassa from Top Tourism who are certified ambassadors in Greece for the World Food Travel Association, the world's leading authority on food tourism.
In its second year, FoodTreX Thessaloniki offers its audience diverse sessions on the development of gastronomic tourism in Greece and how it can be achieved through proven branding, marketing and storytelling practices. Each session will be presented by prestigious international speakers, along with the keynote speaker Erik Wolf, the founder of the World Food Travel Association and they will share their personal and professional knowledge and experience. A small exhibition of Greek traditional products and private tasting events (Test The Taste) will also be held during the Summit. All presentations will be in the English language. Admission to the public is free of charge, but registration is required.
Sponsors include Ellinair and Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki.
For more information, contact Maria here.
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