Ever since our inception in 2001, the World Food Travel Association has been a proponent of sustainable tourism (which we prefer to call responsible tourism). The idea of “green” weaves its way into all of our work. A couple of years ago, we signed the UN Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, and we proactively make their news available to our members and newsletter readers.
Today we are pleased to announce that we support Tourism Declares and their work on the climate emergency. Specifically, we are supporting their work on the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism.
As supporters:
We declare our shared commitment to unite all stakeholders in transforming tourism to deliver effective climate action.
We support the global commitment to halve emissions by 2030 and reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050.
We will consistently align our actions with the latest scientific recommendations, so as to ensure our approach remains consistent with a rise of no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.
As a signatory, we commit to :
Please visit the organizations above for more information, or write us to let us know how you would be interested in supporting our work in sustainable and responsible tourism.
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