Say no to plastic, shop for local souvenirs, eat and drink at local bars and restaurants are just a few of the pledges you can take to make your holidays more sustainable.
At FoodTrex London | Food Travel Innovation Summit on Sunday, November 4th, a sustainability expert will share her experience and knowledge in the development of the successful sustainability campaign that goes by the name of Make Holidays Greener.
One of the World Food Travel Associations three goals for our Food Tourism 2025 Initiative is to reduce the volume of food and beverage packaging waste generated by food loving travelers. Think about all the food trucks, cafes and restaurants offering take away food. Not to mention the plastic cups and coffee stirrers used by airlines, hotels and resorts. The problem is monumental to say the least, and the solution is multi-pronged. One program that is doing a great job is the ABTA's Make Holidays Greener campaign. Clare will present the nuts and bolts of the program and discuss its successes and opportunities for future improvement.
If learning about ways to develop or enhance a sustainability program for your food/drink business or destination is of interest, then this session is a must.
Speaker: Clare Jenkinson, Senior Destinations & Sustainability Manager, ABTA, London, England
Session tags: food, beverage, foodservice, sustainability, packaging, waste, consumer, plastic, responsibility
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