Today the World Food Travel Association, the world's leading authority on food and beverage tourism, announced another industry innovation - its Donate Now scholarship campaign to help those in need of quality education in food and beverage tourism. The purpose of the campaign is to create scholarships for eligible recipients to be able to learn and grow professionally, and prepare for the workforce and a successful travel, hospitality, food or beverage career.
To kick off the Donate Now campaign, the Association has earmarked a minimum of US$5000 worth of scholarships for eligible candidates to attend its FoodTreX London | Food Travel Innovation Summit taking place November 4 in London. Specific scholarship opportunities will vary throughout the year.
Eligible scholarship recipients include students, unemployed, retired, military veteran, mobility-challenged and homeless individuals.
The Association is registered in the US State of Oregon as a charitable educational institution and is authorized by the United States Government to issue official donation receipts, which can be used to minimize tax burdens for eligible individuals and corporations.
Donations up to US$500 can be made directly online, while larger donations are handled offline. Individual and corporate donors will receive an official receipt on Association letterhead, and your donation may be deductible for income tax purposes (we do not provide tax or financial advice; consult your local accountant).
As you think about your end-of-year tax planning, please remember the Association and make a generous donation to help relieve your own tax burden, while helping those in need. The Association also welcomes donations from individual estates and trusts. Please get in touch at help(at)worldfoodtravel(dot)org to discuss making an individual or corporate donation or donate now online.
Please get in touch to donate now or apply for a scholarship.
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