A logo for the world food travel association with a flower in the middle.

Global culinary

travel awards

Recognizing and celebrating excellence and innovation in food and beverage tourism products and experiences.

The logo for the global culinary travel awards shows a flower in a circle.

Founded in 2016 originally as the FoodTrekking Awards, our awards program is our industry’s first, largest and best respected recognition program.

The Awards are a fun, affordable way to submit your year’s best work to be evaluated by an impartial panel of industry experts for a chance to be acknowledged publicly on a global stage.



We host a live stream press conference where our industry and the press can meet the winners.

A black and white drawing of a medal with a ribbon.


Showcase your physical trophy at your place of business or on your website. See examples from winners below.


 Winners are mentioned in our industry newsletter; social media posts; press release and winners showcase on our website below.


Entering is easy - just follow these steps:

  1. Read the categories below to choose the one(s) that best represent your contribution to our industry.
  2. Review the FAQs here. Is everything clear to you? If not, send us a question.
  3. When ready, pay the €49 application fee, which helps to cover our program costs.  You can purchase multiple entries at once, but each entry requires a separate application fee. If you choose multiple entries, simply increase the number of applications you require in the shopping cart.

There are no other hidden fees, even for winners. If you cannot pay by credit or debit card, we can send a PayPal payment request, offering more payment options that may be suitable for your country. Please write our support desk and request this option if necessary.

Within 24 hours of confirming your application payment, we will send you the application packet, which includes instructions, the application form itself and the criteria guidelines. Be sure to check both your inbox and spam folders for our email.

Of course you can apply on behalf of your own business.

  • Next applications OPEN February 1, 2025.
  • Next applications CLOSE April 1, 2025 at 23:59 London UK time.  No extensions will be made. Winners will be announced by May 31, 2025.
  • Live awards ceremony online via YouTube on a date to be announced. Watch here the 2024 awards ceremony on YouTube.

Good luck! We can't wait to read your application!

Please note that a modest fee of €49 per application helps to cover our program costs.

entry categories

Businesses eligible to apply depend on each category and may include individual businesses (wineries, breweries, tour operators, DMCs, cooking classes, tourist guides, restaurants; etc.); NGOs; destination marketing organizations (tourism offices, mayor's offices, chambers of commerce, and government ministries); writers and other journalists; chefs and cooks; and schools.

For a detailed description of each category, and to learn about the judging criteria and the most suitable business types to apply, please download the criteria document using the form below.


Since the Awards program’s inception, 68 businesses and destinations in 31 countries have won an Award and showcased to the world their excellence and innovation in culinary tourism.

There is no secret to winning, but we do offer a guide to help applicants to prepare the best possible application.

Complete the form to get the awards criteria document delivered to your inbox (be sure to also check your spam folder).


All entries are fairly judged by an impartial review committee of international industry experts. Judges review each entry based on the criteria provided for that category. Their votes are compiled to create a short list of winner candidates. The judges then deliberate the final winners. We announce up to 3 semi-finalists and one main winner in each category.



  • A blurred image of a restaurant with the words `` applications open february 1 ''

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  • A close up of a sign that says applications close april 1

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  • The finalists for the global culinary travel awards are announced by may 31

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  • A group of women are standing next to each other in front of a boat.

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